Seven Samurai

Seven Samurai

Restored with a stunning new 4K transfer to commemorate the film’s 70th anniversary, experience Akira Kurosawa’s enduring masterpiece on the big screen like never before.
One of the most thrilling move epics of all time, Seven Samurai tells the story of a sixteenth-century village whose desperate inhabitants hire the eponymous warriors to protect them from invading bandits.
This blockbuster journey from master director Akira Kurosawa – featuring legendary actors Toshiro Mifune and Takashi Shimura – seamlessly weaves delicate human emotions and relentless action into a rich, entertaining and unforgettable tale of courage and hope.
Venice Film Festival, Silver Lion – Akira Kurosawa
Mainichi Film Award, Best Supporting Actor – Seiji Miyaguchi
Certified Fresh - Rotten Tomatoes
"The greatest movie ever made about warriors and battle." - Chicago Tribune
"The epic action scenes involving cavalry and samurai are still without peer." - Time Out
"The glorious vigour and strength of this film is presented with such theatrical relish and flair: its energy flashes out of the screen like a sword." - Guardian
"Responding to his sensitive, knowing direction, the actors have given inspired performances. Revealed in [Seven Samurai] is Kurosawa's talent for putting violent action on the screen, making it terrifically exciting to audiences." - New York Daily News
"It is the tragic figure of Kambei which dominates the film, bestriding it like a Colossus -- and the magic of the director, Akira Kurosawa, must not be forgotten." - Times UK
"Seven Samurai is one of the crown jewels of cinema, a movie that could be screened for visiting aliens in order to show what the art form can achieve." - Loud and Clear